Returns & Refunds

Refund Policy


If you are dissatisfied with a product that you bought from our website ( and wish to return it for any reason other than a shipping error, defect or damage, call us toll‐free at 1-866-370-2131. One of our Customer Service representatives will provide you with simple instructions for returning and obtaining your refund. Please have your order information ready when you call. Issues including shipping errors, defects, or damaged parts can be resolved quickly and do not require return of the product to resolve.


  1. We will only accept a return if you contact us within 30 days of receipt of your product.
  2. You are responsible for any and all shipping charges associated with returning an item.
  3. You are responsible for returning the product(s) to the facility we designate.
  4. All returned products MUST be returned in like‐new condition in original packaging. If you bought a playset, then the pieces MUST be dis‐assembled and re‐boxed securely in original packaging. If we receive products back that are damaged because of inadequate packing or partial assembly, your refund may at our sole discretion be reduced by the restocking fee AND an amount equal to the parts we need to replace to make the set like new again.
  5. We charge a 15% restocking fee for all returned products. As you can imagine, this is because it takes significant effort to prepare a returned playset for re‐sale and of course, the returned set cannot be sold as new so we have to sell it at a discount.
  6. Refunds will be made by crediting the original method of payment (i.e., credit card, etc.).
  7. We will not accept returns for our products that you bought elsewhere. Jungle Warrior USA sells our products through mass merchandise retailers such as Walmart and Sam's Club as well as directly to consumers from this website. This return and refund policy does NOT apply to any products you purchased from any retailer other than from us directly even if it is one of our products. If you purchased your product from any other retailer other than us directly, then please check the return and refund policies of the retailer from whom you purchased the product.


Unless you cancel prior to your product shipping, the amount of your refund will be the result of the original invoice amount minus shipping charges (outbound plus if any, inbound) minus the restocking fee minus the price of any damaged parts that we have to replace. Your refund will be issued after the product arrives at the facility we designate and we inspect the product for any damage.

Please return to:


10501 NW 50th St #111

Sunrise, FL 33351